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Adalberto Tiburzi | all galleries >> Interstitial Rome >> The frontiers inside > asphalt & banana
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asphalt & banana

I like very much B & W.
So pensive, so intellectual.
Nostalgia, with a bit of gastralgia.
This is my homage to Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground, for example.

other sizes: small medium original auto
fred_il25-Jan-2007 11:23
And this is not a simple banana, this is a Chiquita!
I think this is the first time I see banana with a label! :-)
Ana Carloto O'Shea18-Nov-2005 18:14
I am sure they would like the dedication. Another great capture!
Kal Khogali14-Nov-2005 14:31
That was pop weren't supposed to eat it!!
Guest 14-Nov-2005 00:14
!La bouche de fer! Ou le banane (euh, banal) transfiguré!;)
(j'aime beaucoup le rendu de l'arrière-plan qui donne sa force à l'image).
Willa Dios13-Nov-2005 15:58
Wow, talk about stirring up the past, Adal. I think Lou Reed went back to his first profession, which is an accountant, lol. Great B&W you have produced here, and your comments are always fun to read.
Guest 13-Nov-2005 15:40
La nostalgie avec une pelure de banane, c'est une nostalgie teintée d'humour ;-)
J'aime beaucoup ce mélange là.
Autrement ce qui me frappe dans cette photo, c'est son relief (3D) bien marqué.
jude13-Nov-2005 14:15
I like some black and whites.. this one for example - which has such clarity and depth in tones. As for it being intellectual? Hmmmm, I know sometimes color takes away from an image.. makes you pay attention to it instead of what the content is.
But I also know that some b&w's take the life out of an image.
This really is the type of b&w that appeals (get it? LOL)
Guest 13-Nov-2005 11:55
Great homage. I think Lou Reed would love the image.
Jude Marion13-Nov-2005 09:21
A 'Walk on the Wild Side'! Very fun image, Adal ...
But I think just as much a tribute to Andy Warhol!!
Adalberto Tiburzi13-Nov-2005 07:13
Bill, have a look here
Guest 13-Nov-2005 07:03
heh heh , certainly one needs to know something about Lou Reed, I guess....this is hilarious...I am completely missing the point...the Homage of Trashed Peels....?...ah, but of course!... hmmm...? ( dazed and confused )
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