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David Mingay | all galleries >> Mynd Dagsins '15 >> Photo of the Day 2004 > Jan 4: A flower on a garage door
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Jan 4: A flower on a garage door

To my knowledge, this flower design has been on this garage door for more than 30 years. It’s on the way from Church Crookham, where we lived until I was 10, to Camberley, where I was dragged around the shops on all too frequent occasions by my parents. It was always a huge disappointment if you missed seeing this from the back seat of Dad’s Ford Cortina as we drove by.

Now I live just a mile away and it’s great to see it still there, even if the design itself seems to have morphed a bit over the years and many repaints.

A big thankyou to Linda for driving me past several times until I was happy with the shot!

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Ray :)04-Oct-2012 18:42
This flower is still in bloom after 38 years at least.

I drove past it yesterday.
Chris Brooker07-Jan-2004 21:38
An interesting subject beautifully photographed.
Guest 06-Jan-2004 22:14
I remember seeing this for the first time when I went to an All Dayer at Frenchies in the late 70's. More recently saw it if I was coming to visit you guys. Funny the things you take for granted until you move 150 miles away.
Guest 05-Jan-2004 11:40
Amusing story, interesting photo! Linda could tell you a similar story about how we used to look out for the 'squashed' house in Old Amersham High Street - we used to drive past on our way to visit the beloved 'Nortons' (family friends since time began!). We both wanted to buy it (we were 12 and 10 at the time), and I very nearly did about 13 years ago!
When Simon and I received the estate agent's details, we spent ages trying to convince ourselves that it was a suitable home, when it was really a matchbox in disguise!
Sadly, Amersham now has a ringroad, so the only time I ever pass it is if I decide to drive through the town specially, but one day I'll take a photo and show you!!! Jan XX
Ray :)04-Jan-2004 16:15
Definitely a moment in time shot, although in another way far from it if its been there 30 years! I like the 'real' motion blur. The people here must have thought you were planning a burgalry!