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Jean-Luc Rollier | all galleries >> ::: INTO THE WORLD... >> Los Colores de Barcelona. > Barcelona.
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Jean-Luc Rollier


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Milos Markovic22-Aug-2008 17:49
I love this frame !
Bill Warren22-Aug-2008 03:05
Bravo. Vote
Steve Morris20-Aug-2008 15:24
Fabulous silhouette!!BV
alfredo camba jr.20-Aug-2008 04:55
Very nice and interesting street photography! Vote!!!
Martyn Unsworth15-Aug-2008 17:47
Another masterpiece! -v-
Guenter Eh15-Aug-2008 05:46
An urban "dreamscape", beautifully composed with the silhouette of the woman.
Craig Persel13-Aug-2008 20:20
Guest 12-Aug-2008 23:38
I like a lot this claroscuro, composition and colours! V
veraferia11-Aug-2008 21:20
shatterbug11-Aug-2008 20:12
Strong contrasting silhouettes are interesting...nicely composed!
Guest 11-Aug-2008 19:21
Excelent street shot
fred_il11-Aug-2008 18:32
super shot!
Carolyn Rasmussen10-Aug-2008 12:13
Simply brilliant! And there is that touch of Jean-Luc blue, too! V
Guest 09-Aug-2008 18:20
I love this shot! Impressive capture!
Giancarlo Guzzardi09-Aug-2008 17:44
very original composition and strong reality vision
Ceya09-Aug-2008 11:45
Well seen and captured! V
Wenche Aune09-Aug-2008 11:30
Great street shot. V
settler09-Aug-2008 08:09
This is really super!!...V!!
Gerard Koehl09-Aug-2008 07:54
Magnifique... V
marie-jose wolff09-Aug-2008 06:59
une image bien contrastée! V
Johnny Rasmussen09-Aug-2008 06:26
Very good work, Jean-Luc! ~V~
Paco López09-Aug-2008 05:41
Excellent! V!
12309-Aug-2008 01:12
Beautiful darken shapes. BV
Guest 08-Aug-2008 23:41
Fantastic creativity in this candid... nicely seen indeed... voted!
Guest 08-Aug-2008 21:46
Excellent work of silhouettes, great use of contrast too, Voted
wernere0108-Aug-2008 21:05
Brilliant play with shadow and light. v
Jean-Paul PLUME08-Aug-2008 19:50
Impossible de déboucher les ombres dans un cas pareil. Bravo pour ce compromis! V.
Guest 08-Aug-2008 19:28
Great street art seen thro the shadows..v
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