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Bill Ewart Jr | all galleries >> Galleries >> thursday's challenge > SEA GLASS.jpg
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Sea Glass. The gentle sanding down
of broken bottles along the shore.
The sand and surf smooth these bits
of colored glass into frosted
collectibles. Just try finding some!
Then try finding different colors!!

Didn't you ever wonder what happened
to the bottle you put your message into?
One more look at sea glass.....

Canon PowerShot S3 IS
1/50s f/2.7 at 6.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carinoza11-Jun-2007 08:35
Mmmm! Keep away from kids (me included!) - they (we) might think they're gummy treats! :-9
carol j. phipps09-Jun-2007 23:48
Barbara Heide08-Jun-2007 06:00
wonderful texture and composition with very subtle tones...bravo!
Sheila08-Jun-2007 04:25
Very original. Love those pieces and the gelato colours.
Dave Wixx08-Jun-2007 02:44
A lovely collection - I suspect the meanderings to find them is the best part.
Lovely shot.
Linda Willets08-Jun-2007 02:29
love this glass.. vote
Jen Bixler08-Jun-2007 00:40
That is one else will have it!
CreativeWiseGal07-Jun-2007 23:39
OK, now I must apologize to my daughter who picked up "sea glass" on our beach trip! Great image and educational to boot.
Cindi Smith07-Jun-2007 23:23
How cool! I love it....LOL at Ian! I dare him to eat some!
Guest 07-Jun-2007 22:40
Beautiful colours and textures
laine8207-Jun-2007 19:59
Excellent stuff, Bill.
Guest 07-Jun-2007 19:03
Lovely- I like how soft it all seems. Very nice.
Guest 07-Jun-2007 18:58
Lovely light and colors.
Guest 07-Jun-2007 16:37
beautiful,love the colors.
Guest 07-Jun-2007 16:13
I have jars of this stuff at home that I've collected from Long Beach in Plymouth - Gorgeous shot!
J. Scott Coile07-Jun-2007 16:11
Nice collection. Wonderful entry!
beverley harrison07-Jun-2007 15:25
i still collect it when i see it!! lovely memory thanks!!
Randy Adams07-Jun-2007 15:25
Excellent composition and great find Bill!
Dan Chusid07-Jun-2007 15:21
Those have seen some waves and sand since they were borne!
royalld07-Jun-2007 14:47
We search for sea glass every winter... we have never found any as nice as this.
Jola Dziubinska07-Jun-2007 14:44
Very nicely done.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography07-Jun-2007 14:27
This is nice, beautiful light, Vote!
Scott Browne07-Jun-2007 14:14
Lovely lighting and textures.
Maaike Huizer07-Jun-2007 13:50
Excellent shot. And beautiful tender colours.
Norbert Fortelny07-Jun-2007 13:49
Hmmm, great idea.
Beautiful shapes and pastel colors.
Faye White07-Jun-2007 13:41
Ian York07-Jun-2007 13:34
almost look like sweets
Fong Lam07-Jun-2007 12:47
Love the shapes and colors. Well done!
Susan Leigh07-Jun-2007 12:22
see glass ;-)
these are beautiful..nicely captured.
Luca Zanoni07-Jun-2007 12:10
Guest 07-Jun-2007 12:06
very nice Bill - my wife would kill for this pile of sea glass! Want to send it to me? :-)
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