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McGarva | all galleries >> Annual Archives (7 Galleries) >> 2011 - A Year of images! > Surreal City Lights
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19-Mar-11 McGarva

Surreal City Lights

Aberdeen, Scotland

Well the super moon never happened for me so a super long exposure instead
View over Aberdeen from Nigg Bay Lighthouse with a 2 minute exposure
The slight green tint comes from a Polaroid present which added a bit of surreal!

More of Aberdeen at

other sizes: small medium original auto
Milos Markovic10-Apr-2011 17:26
So intense and appealing, bravo Tonny.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)24-Mar-2011 22:52
A wonderful scene - hinting at the northern lights. V
lou_rozensteins24-Mar-2011 07:53
Beautiful blue! A great composition too. Well done.
Kevin Chester23-Mar-2011 20:47
Thats some magical blue you have going there
Graeme23-Mar-2011 19:31
Fabulous scene McGarva.BV
Patricia Kay23-Mar-2011 19:15
Gorgeous cololors and composition Tony...BV
Nicki Thurgar23-Mar-2011 18:21
Great result - even without the moon (I never saw it either!)
Hans Koot22-Mar-2011 22:32
surreal and beautiful, excellent composition
Stewart Mitchell22-Mar-2011 22:14
Surreal that the Lightroom Polaroid preset you have used??
Walter Otto Koenig22-Mar-2011 22:06
Great long exposure. Wonderful colors and light.
Dek Grant22-Mar-2011 22:05
beautiful - full moon on the caught this superbly.
patou22-Mar-2011 21:59
Tres belle prise avec un bleu superbe ( v )
Mairéad22-Mar-2011 21:31
Great colours - a bit like the northern lights!
J. Scott Coile22-Mar-2011 21:18
Electric BLUE!
Colin Storey22-Mar-2011 21:08
Fantastic long exposure, much better than a super moon.
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