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McGarva | all galleries >> Galleries >> Aberdeen (18 Galleries) > Sunkissed
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23-Nov-08 McGarva


Aberdeen, Scotland

A chilly morning on a very wintery day in November. Heavy snow fall had covered the beach walls in snow
The warm golden low light popped through a chink in the clouds to send stunning warm rays onto the harbour master tower and Footdee
If you look closely there is someone surfing in the water.

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Graeme02-Mar-2015 21:35
Terrific perspective and light, Tony.V
Kim26-Jan-2011 11:02
Beautiful image! V
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE327-Dec-2010 20:13
This is just a fantastic shot. The person in the water must be mad! Voted!
mart senior21-Dec-2009 19:18
very nice image
Steve Highfield19-Jan-2009 23:12
Another cracking shot. *
Gerhard Ritsema19-Dec-2008 22:36
Lovely, great light and mood!
mathilda williams09-Dec-2008 00:36
fantastic shot!
Ray :)07-Dec-2008 01:49
Cracking shot!
Earl Arboneaux 06-Dec-2008 16:29
Outstanding composition,and sun rays..V
Michal Leszczynski25-Nov-2008 21:26
Wonderful capture of the rays of sun, beautiful photo. V.
peterjay4525-Nov-2008 14:35
Lovely light and composition. Great early morning mood. V.
Jim Ross24-Nov-2008 18:37
Nicely done, not often you see snow at the beach...
Guest 24-Nov-2008 10:13
Lovely reflections on the sand, stunning.
Ian Cameron24-Nov-2008 00:05
Cracking image Tony. Very nicely handled and a strong composition to boot. I love the delicate caress of aquamarine on the building / gasworks? on the right and the hint of red from what I assume is a parked car in an otherwise monochromatic scene.
Stewart Mitchell23-Nov-2008 22:43
Just fabulous capture of the the way the rays highlight the harbourmasters tower on the left and the sweeping curve that takes your eye right to it!! ~V~
JW23-Nov-2008 22:20
What a scene! Stunning shot!
Phillip Normanton23-Nov-2008 21:30
Cracking shot! Little blokey will be cracking the icicles off his toes later!
Doug Cruden23-Nov-2008 21:14
Nice one Tony, love the sun rays, and lovely textures &'s almost a B&W. Buckets of detail and sharpness...great shot! V
Johnny JAG23-Nov-2008 19:36
Maybe he's just chillin'
Mairéad23-Nov-2008 19:32
Zak said it, that's just what I was thinking. We get rain and gray skies.
Great shot - love the sunlight. V
Zak23-Nov-2008 19:25
see, why dont we get snow like this!?
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