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Marisa Livet | profile | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Look at nature as children do! >> Colza Fields tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Colza Fields

Brassica campestris, or field cabbage,is a cruciferous plant which grows wild throughout the greater part of Europe,
and is largely cultivated in France, Switzerland and Germany for the sake of colza, as the oil from its seeds is called.

I like adding a few new photos to this gallery every year.
It’s my way to celebrate the seasonal meeting with this ephemeral yellow spring beauty,
since colza field are in flower for only a few days
and then they become quite banal greenish field of ...average high grass.
The trees of the crows It's just a beginning... The same field another year.... And at the end the storm came... Colza 73
In the wind... Colza 72 Look for the intruder.... Colza 71 Colza 70
Colza 69 Colza 68 Colza 66 Colza 65 Colza 64
Colza 63 Colza 62 Colza 61 Colza 60 Colza 59
Colza 58 Colza 57 Colza 56 Colza 55 Colza 54
Colza 53 Colza 52 Colza 51 Colza 50 Colza 49
Colza field walker Colza 48 Colza 47 Colza 46 Real colza field jigsaw puzzle
Colza 45 Colza 44 Urban field of colza Industrial reflection of a field of colza Colza 43
Colza 42 Colza 41 Colza 40 Colza 39 Colza 38
Colza 37 Colza 36 Colza 35 Colza 34 Colza 33
Colza 32 Colza 31 Colza 30 Colza 29 Colza 28
Colza 27 Colza 26 Colza 25 Colza 24 Colza 23
Colza 22 Colza 21 Colza 20 Colza 19 Colza 18
Colza 17 Colza 16 Colza 15 Colza 14 Colza 13
Colza 12 Colza 11 Colza 10 Colza 9 Colza 8
Colza 7 Eysins Colza 6 Colza 5 Colza 4
Colza 3 Colza 2 Colza 1