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It used to be that everyone who learned touch typing measured their skill by how fast they could type 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'. I don't know if people learn touch typing any more: looking around the office most people are of the 'hunt and peck' one-finger school of typing.
My parents bought me this old Remington at an auction when I expressed an interest in studying journalism. Typing and shorthand were two of the key skills for budding journalists in those days. Nowadays, voice recorders have more or less done away with the need for shorthand and computers mean people can produce clean copy without typos.

Nikon D7000
1/160s f/1.8 at 50.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carl Carbone19-Nov-2011 01:22
Nice bit of history there. Funny how we toiled over these machines with our double spacing and correction fluid or tape!
LynnH15-Nov-2011 02:00
Back in the 70s, I could type up a storm, but thinking about these OLD machines, the stiff keys and the struggle of erasing (before the electric typewrite with an erasing tape) just makes my head spin. I am SO thankful for word processing, cut and paste and xerox machines too!!! :) V
Alan K14-Nov-2011 20:58
This shot gets to the essence of the machine's antiquity. You don't need to see the whole thing to know what it is... IF you're of an age that actually knew typewriters. A lot of Gen Y would probably be bemused by it, though. Way back in days of yore I tried to learn touch from the program Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. I gave up when I realised that I'd never be able to touch type as quickly as I can with my "two fingers and a thumb" technique. Which is fortunate for all of my ridiculously long photo captions...
larose forest photos14-Nov-2011 18:46
What a nostalgic shot! I had an old Remington and took a typing course prior to going to University so I could type all my essay! V
pkocinski14-Nov-2011 12:58
I'm a "two fingered on each hand" hunt and peck :-)
Frank Kavanagh Photography13-Nov-2011 22:19
A beautiful shot Mairéad.
I'd be one of the one finger typist type, that would be one finger on each hand.
But I can't take my eye off the keyboard.LOL.
tinkerb13-Nov-2011 22:07
It's a skill that seems to be lost these days - I remember the hours my mum spent at home typing up thesis for friends and how few mistakes she would make.
Mary Terry13-Nov-2011 21:40
Old fashioned typewriters have a special charm. Excellent capture! V
Ann...13-Nov-2011 20:49
Love the detail. There is a bit of age to this instrument.
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