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Adalberto Tiburzi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wandering Years > I need a key
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I need a key

Will this one fit? Who knows...

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virginiacoastline22-Feb-2007 00:26
heheheheh . . . from Italy to Australia in one turn of the key =)
Yvonne16-Feb-2007 22:24
I love this composition with the wonderful use of colour, its so arty! vote
laine8216-Feb-2007 13:11
I have the key right here for the mailman :))
Guest 21-Jan-2007 02:40
Ray :)20-Jan-2007 21:04
Just ask Roe. She doesn't bother with keys...
Barbara Heide16-Jan-2007 12:37
j'aime beaucoup ces couleurs et l'énigme...
Gervan13-Jan-2007 21:31
Popping fluo colors. Splendid image,v,
Patricia Lay-Dorsey11-Jan-2007 07:16
Not only is this image about as painterly as a photo can get, but your sense of humor shines through. You are a genius, my friend. Voted.
Guest 10-Jan-2007 03:46
LOL! une super idée, des couleurs flamboyantes.
Hélas, quant à moi, je ne détiens aucune clé... et ne serai donc ici d'aucune utilité.
Christine P. Newman10-Jan-2007 02:18
Cette grande photo avec un curieux petit trou en plein centre, comme un nombril. J'aime.
Ray Rebortira10-Jan-2007 01:53
You are not just a great photographer, maestro. You are also a game genius. I was going to throw away the key but the game is so juicy:
Guest 10-Jan-2007 00:33
Had to come back again...this time w/ sunglasses ON. :)
Now that you've found the key...I'm dying to know what 's inside!
Craig Persel10-Jan-2007 00:06
Striking shot.
fred_il09-Jan-2007 22:58
jude09-Jan-2007 22:24
Color blasts.. I'm blinded - I hope you have sunglasses inside ;)
Exquisite in color, texture, and mystery.
Adalberto Tiburzi09-Jan-2007 21:45
Curiosity kills not only the cat...
(... to be continued ;-))
Sharon Rogers09-Jan-2007 21:43
so now I have the key... what is behind the door? ;-)
Sharon Rogers09-Jan-2007 21:35
If Alems' does not fit try mine - the colours are right ;-)
Eric Carrère09-Jan-2007 21:14
Admirable Adal :)
Rob Rosetti09-Jan-2007 20:46
Lovely fluo colors! Brilliant!
Marc Demoulin09-Jan-2007 19:43
Beau déluge de couleurs fluos Adal!!
Guest 09-Jan-2007 19:13
here it is, Adal:
Eckhart Derschmidt09-Jan-2007 18:54
Probably a pink one! Great colours.
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