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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> 1960 to 1969 Miami Area Historical Photos Gallery - click on image to view > 1966 - Stiltsville in the background
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1966 Courtesy of Brad King

1966 - Stiltsville in the background

Biscayne Bay, Florida

Thank you to Brad King for contributing this image.

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J Hilsenbeck 20-Aug-2010 18:32
Dr. Paul George (through the Historical Museum of South Florida) does a weekend Stiltsville boat tour at least once every year. Dr. George's grasp of South Florida history is amazing. Check with the HMSF for tour dates.
Guest 05-Aug-2008 02:54
When I look at this photo I feel like the old lady in Titanic. I see a four bedroom home on a barge with a boat slip and dock area with plenty of activities (fisthing, tubing, tanning, games and swimming) and unbelievable sunsets.

My family was one of eight families that were partners in this special place in time.
We built the house on a barge brought out by a tug boat and anchored it to our spot with driven pilings. It is true when the hurricants hit and partially damage it, we raised the house on concrete piling. Once we accomplished what many thought was impossible, our dream was torched by some kids having fun on a off weekend, when no one was there. When I look back now isn't it unbeleivalbe what two hurricanes couldn't do, some kids and a pack of matches and gasoline did.

I don't now if this our exact location but it sure looks familiar to these eyes.
Thank you for a reminding me of how lucky I was as a child and teenager to have been a part of this.
This all done by the families who were fortunate enough to live a life on could only dream about.
Guest 04-May-2008 14:15
That's definitely stiltsville and yes Biscayne National Park now surrounds the structures. When another hurricane blows the remaining "houses" down they won't be reconstructed. Many, MANY years ago one of the stiltsville houses was a small eatery, mostly selling turtle soup and beer. They kept a small pin with live turtles (until the turtles became soup). While the grownups were drinking beer, us kids would be feeding the turtles bread. Afterwards we would putter our way home --back down the Miami River.
gary k 12-Feb-2008 19:52
this could very well be part of stiltsville. hurricane's cleo and betsy in '64' and '65' respectively, devastated most of stiltsville. by my recollection, owners of homes there were not fond of the name stiltsville.
Carol 07-Feb-2008 19:23
I went sailing in a beautiful sailboat belonging to Tom of Mack's Cycle shop. Near here he thought his sister was acting a bit mutinous and threw her and her friend overboard! They swam back to port before we got back...madder than a hatter!
Guest 14-Jan-2008 14:55
The only privatly owned structure still in use is the one owned by the Miami Springs power squadron, and it will be gobbled up very soon.
Juan R. Pollo 25-Nov-2007 10:06
The island that never was is actually called Pelican Island, and it's still marked by pylons on the south side of the 41st St Causeway.

As for Stiltsville, only 7 houses are left and they've been taken over by the Biscayne National Park. I have some stereo shots of the A-frame house (closest to the lighthouse) on the web, just do a Google for Stiltsville images.
Guest 23-Nov-2007 16:52
My 'old men brothers' (I'm the youngest) all tell a story of how our father taught us to swim at stiltsville. I also tell the story, since my older (and they are much older - they're real old now) brothers said I too learned how to swim here. According to their 'legend' he took us out there in the boat and threw us overboard and said 'if you want to live you'll make it back to the boat and climb in.' I really don't think it happened that way, but people get a good laugh out if it when we tell it.
Don Boyd19-Sep-2007 20:07
I don't believe so. Stiltsville is nowhere near the mid-bay area, it's down near the tip of Key Biscayne. Don
Guest 19-Sep-2007 16:57
If this is what I think it is, it is what is left of the start of the development of a new island on the south side of the 79th street causeway. The developer's last name was Steinberg. He lived on the beach somewhere between 41st street and 47th, between Meridian and Alton Rd. I was friends with his daughter, Joan, around 1950-1954.
Guest 24-Aug-2007 21:12
Wow! Is Stiltsville still standing? My brothers and I often remember our father taking us through there on our boat when we were growing up in Hialeah. What area of Biscayne Bay is this located in? I want to find a good map and mark it? Do you have more photo's?, Etc.? Etc.? Thanks Brad for sending this photo to Don - Thanks Don for posting it!!!!!