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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area CARS, Car Clubs, Car Rental Agencies, Car Dealers, Drag Racing, Auto Shows, Speedways - click on image to view > 1966 - ad for Hialeah-Springs Motors, Hialeah's Volkswagen dealer
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30-DEC-1966 The Voice

1966 - ad for Hialeah-Springs Motors, Hialeah's Volkswagen dealer

990 Hialeah Drive, Hialeah, Florida view map

What a load of BS regarding how long tires lasted on a VW. Not only were both my VW's (new 1968 Beetle and a new 1972 Super Beetle) expensive maintenance hogs but I seem to recall that tires only lasted 6 to 10K miles, not 40,000 as stated in the ad.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Kathy Kyger 29-Oct-2020 16:44
Does anyone know VW Repairs in Hialeah in the 1960s? I have found photos that belonged to one of their customers and an invoice from 1966! I would like to find the family they belong to and return the photos to them.
Gary Roy 05-Aug-2020 17:03
I workEd for you Alan, in the body shop. It was about 1973-74 and I painted cars with the Spanish guy who was the main painter. I will always remember how we brought the cars from drying room and after putting the headlights back into fenders you would align them again the front garage door. I just happened upon this page and saw the Hialeah VW ad, what a great memory for me. I did leave VW In 1974 and opened my own Body Shop near Miami Lakes, where I specializes in high end cars and vans. If you happen to see this Alan, would you please send me a note? I can’t express how seeing your post brought a smile and joy to my heart. I hope you are well. Gary
Alan K. Sylvester 24-Aug-2017 23:07
I was employed by Springs Motors in 1958 as a service advisor when located on So. Royal Poinciana.
Dealership was owned by Stanley A. Schultz, Harry K. Reeder and Arnold (doc) Gleason. The move to Hialeah was in the early 60's. Architect for the dealership and the later body shop building was James E. Lynskey. I was moved to the position of workshop dispatcher and later for a short while service manager. When the body shop was in the planning stages Mr Schultz asked me to oversee the shop layout, buy equipment, hire workers, etc. I managed the shop until I left in 1976 for Real Estate work as a licensed broker and State Certified Appraiser. The dealership was a great place to work and all the owners were gentlemen and a pleasure to work for
Don Boyd15-Nov-2016 08:26
Mark, good for you, bad for me. As they say "Your mileage may vary." My father had a new '57 and a new later model (can't remember the year) that lasted forever and my aunt had a new '62 that lasted forever and because of their experiences I went with a new VW Beetle in late 1967. I did drive it back and forth from Tampa to Miami every 2 , 3 or 4 weeks when I was stationed there and I piled on the miles in no time but it was a maintenance hog and frequently at the VW dealer in Tampa. Same deal with the '72 Super Beetle. I bought it with A/C added on by the dealer and it was broken when I left the dealership. It froze up all the time which was irritating as hell to me plus other mechanical problems. I got rid of it in 1973 because I couldn't afford all the repair bills and time spent in the shop.

Mark Lincoln 14-Nov-2016 19:05
I used to get pretty good tire milage on my '65 bug. Even after I switched to Balado & Canero recaps. The car was not a maintenance hog. It was designed for driver maintenance. I used to rebuild my own engines (I had two, 1 in the car and 1 being overhauled. I swapped them out every 100,000 miles or so.)

It was a very cheap car to own.
Bruce Hamerstrom 19-Feb-2014 22:45
We got our 1st. V.W. @ Brundage Motors in Miami Springs in 1956. Guest
roly 03-Jul-2012 20:37
that old vw dealership building,was empty for years and years, was just demolished last week....end of june 2012. i remember it had an outside wall that was made of pre-cast concrete,round vw symbols. as the years past by people would chip them off and take them as souveniers...of couse in hialeah they will steal anything.
Don Boyd20-Feb-2012 07:11
I think you're right, Bill, but I'm not totally sure. Perhaps someone else can help answer that question? Help!

Bill Windrem 18-Feb-2012 01:46
Was Hialeah-Springs Motors previously located on S. Royal Poinciana Blvd in Miami Springs, where the dry cleaners (origianlly Barry's Cleaner's) is now? I think I remember buying VW parts there.
Don Boyd31-Jul-2011 12:37
Terry, thanks for your scientific input! : )

Connie, thank you for posting that information, especially the names.

Guest 31-Jul-2011 03:25
Meant to add that my name is Connie (Camp) Chester regarding previous comment.
Guest 31-Jul-2011 03:24
My first job was in the office at HS Motors in my last two years of high school (Hialeah '72). My immediate boss was Delores (Dee) Cage and the CFO-type was Mr. Weigand. I loved that job!
Terry 09-May-2011 14:41
Yes, the ad says "Set of Tires". So you're both right. You got 10,000 per tire, and they got 40,000 miles per set. That's why the ad agencies make the bucks!!!