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Karthik Raja | all galleries >> Galleries >> Incredible India >> Gurgaon, Haryana > Rural boys with headphones, Gurgaon
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16-JUL-2006 Jyothi Karthik Raja

Rural boys with headphones, Gurgaon

I have lived in Gurgaon now for more than 18 months. In this time I have traveled more than I ever
did in my first 25 years. I've religiously tried to post the pictures from each of our travels,
and now the Incredible India gallery is really a treasure trove photos and memories. Yet, in all
this time, I never thought of making a Gurgaon gallery. So here it is. Today I went and shot
photos exclusively of Gurgaon.

This is a band of boys who were fascinated by my camera as much as I was fascinated with their
headphones. These are boys who live in the slums but have the opportunity to be part of
India's rapid growth. Their headphones didn't connect to anything, there was no phone or radio,
but I am sure these boys with their curiosity will do well for themselves.

Click here for The Gurgaon gallery - The Millenium City

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/80s f/7.1 at 48.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 17-Jul-2006 23:17
That's great :)
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