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Karthik Raja | all galleries >> Galleries >> Incredible India >> Gurgaon, Haryana > Carrying the load of a growing city, construction worker, Gurgaon
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9 Sep 05 Jyothi Karthik Raja

Carrying the load of a growing city, construction worker, Gurgaon

"Gurgaon from a moving car - 2"

As we drove past this construction area and everything was a blur at that speed,
this woman just stood out. It was hot, and yet she was working to earn her living.
We complain about the heat sitting in an airconditioned office, driving in an ac car,
and here she was working hard.

For part 1 Click here...

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Guest 20-Sep-2005 05:24
excellent capture. I get some credit for photo conducive driving:-)
Guest 12-Sep-2005 10:41
That's really great the way the background is blurred and she's not so much. It makes her really stand out.
Guest 09-Sep-2005 19:15
superb photo journalism jyothi!! love the motion blur.. you go by the adage each picture has a story to tell visible and invisible...
Nice shot.. her deep coloured saree and the almost stark background compliment
Guest 09-Sep-2005 17:41
Great framing and timing
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