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Michael Todd Thorpe | all galleries >> PAD Gallery >> Photo A Day 2004 > July 5th - Searching
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05-JUL-2004 Michael Todd Thorpe

July 5th - Searching

I was back at it early this morning.

First, there was more mess to make. This time Cathi joined in as we pulled down old wall
covering and cleaned up the debris. It was a filthy, dirty job but someone had to do it.
After getting cleaned up from the morning's activities, I sat down with pad and phone book
to look for an electrician. I need some outlets added onto the system in the kitchen along
with a light fixture for the ceiling. Many calls later I had a couple of estimates.

Tomorrow there's more to do. Make a decision on the electrical, get estimates for new
wallboard, install some insulation in the room...


Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/125s f/10.0 at 39.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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katwilkens06-Jul-2004 12:47
Good luck with your project! I like this "still life."