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Stephen Luk | profile | all galleries >> Entomology in Ecuador >> Yasuní National Park (2009) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Yasuní National Park (2009) | Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve (2009) | Tiputini Biodiversity Station (2011) | Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve (2011) | Pasochoa Forest Reserve (2011) | Parque Nacional Antisana (2024) | Parque Nacional Sumaco (2024) | Sumak Kawsay In Situ (2024) | Pichincha-Tungurahua (2024)

Yasuní National Park (2009)

Yasuní National Park is located in the Napo Province of southeastern Ecuador. Situated in one of the world's greatest biodiversity hotspots, the Napo rainforest boasts species richness that is without equal. However, the reserve lies over a massive oil field, and is presently threatened by oil extraction.

During ten days of rainforest exploration within the vicinity of Yasuní Research Station, I observed thousands of insect species as well as countless plants and vertebrates. These galleries present a portion of the organisms encountered.
Insects of Ecuador: Yasuní
Insects of Ecuador: Yasuní
Arachnids of Ecuador: Yasuní
Arachnids of Ecuador: Yasuní
Other Invertebrates of Ecuador: Yasuní
Other Invertebrates of Ecuador: Yasuní
Reptiles & Amphibians of Ecuador: Yasuní
Reptiles & Amphibians of Ecuador: Yasuní
Flora of Ecuador: Yasuní
Flora of Ecuador: Yasuní
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Equator Night Sky
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Brazilian Tapir (Tapirus terrestris)
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Smooth-billed Anis (Crotophaga ani)
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