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Glenn Rogers | all galleries >> Galleries >> Landscapes, Architecture & Other Stuff > Kortz Denver clock
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Nov, 2003 Glenn Rogers

Kortz Denver clock

Denver, Colorado view map

From Bob Kortz, Kortz Jewelers:

"For many years the clock was a Downtown Denver landmark. We could never ascertain the exact date of the original installation, but our guess is that it was there for over 75 years. The clock stood tall throughout many drastic changes in downtown Denver, including the construction of the 16th Street Mall. Our store finally closed last year, after 114 years of operation. We attempted to donate the clock, as an important piece of Denver's history, but the city could not figure out what to do with it. So, it was sold, with the original mechanical movement intact, to a collector in California. He leases a variety of unusual items to movie sets."
Kortz is still in the jewelry business, concentrating on custom jewelry design

In the background is another famous Denver landmark, Denver's first skyscraper, the Daniels & Fisher Tower, built in 1911 as part of a 5 story department store owned by Wm. Daniels. Like the Kortz clock, the department store is now gone but the 330' tower still stands.

This is one of my most viewed photos. Not exactly sure why. History?

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