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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Australia 2003-04 >> Port Douglas tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Port Douglas

I'm just got my first job as a dive instructor, and will be moving up to Port Douglas for it. I think I can survive there!

Read about my adventures in Australia here

Some of my photos are now available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes, or as digital files, at

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Misty Love For Hire
Misty Love For Hire
Shadowy Bay
Shadowy Bay
Surf Rescue
Surf Rescue
The Slipway
The Slipway
Lovely Lilly
Lovely Lilly
Picking up the Boat
Picking up the Boat
Sails Against the Sun
Sails Against the Sun
Shed and Sail
Shed and Sail
Little Boat
Little Boat
Dock of the Bay
Dock of the Bay
Out at Sea
Out at Sea
Anzac Park
Anzac Park
Rocks and Sea
Rocks and Sea
Looking Over Little Beach
Looking Over Little Beach
Just Walking
Just Walking
Creeping in
Creeping in
Show us your Muscles
Show us your Muscles
Welcome to the Beach
Welcome to the Beach
Shed and Shadows
Shed and Shadows
Up the Beach
Up the Beach
Sitting and Fishing
Sitting and Fishing
Crab Shell
Crab Shell
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