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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Australia 2003-04 >> Fraser Island tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Fraser Island

I travelled to Fraser Island from the town of Hervey Bay on the East coast of Australia.

It is the worlds largest sand island, and is a World Heritage Site. The island has areas of rain forrest, and large sandblows which work their way inland. It is home to the purest breeds of dingoes, supporting a population of around 150.

Fraser is a highlight of many backpacker's trips down the East Coast, and is popularly done as part of a self-drive 4x4 package. I decided this was not for me - I am not a good passenger, and being squeezed into a jeep with eleven other, driven by an teenager fueled by alcohol and machismo was something I worried about.

I chose to visit Fraser by going on a guided tour - a decision I was very pleased with. We got to see all the highlights of the island and learnt a lot on our journey. I was also able to party hard with like minded people.

Read about my adventures in Australia here

Some of my photos are now available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes, or as digital files, at

red canyon
red canyon
across mckenzie
across mckenzie
across the dune
across the dune
across to indian heads
across to indian heads
eli creek
eli creek
down to champagne rocks
down to champagne rocks
basin lake and tree
basin lake and tree
golden orb spider
golden orb spider
groovy bark
groovy bark
hardy plant
hardy plant
champagne rocks
champagne rocks
lake and beach
lake and beach
bottom of indian heads
bottom of indian heads
lake mckenzie in the rain
lake mckenzie in the rain
lake mckenzie though reeds
lake mckenzie though reeds
putting down roots
putting down roots
rainforest sand dunes lake and the sea
rainforest sand dunes lake and the sea
across basin lake
across basin lake
the maheno
the maheno
lake mckenzie
lake mckenzie
mckenzian sky
mckenzian sky
over to waddy point
over to waddy point
primative king ferns
primative king ferns
the creek flows to sea
the creek flows to sea
the maheno
the maheno
the maheno
the maheno
the main road
the main road
the pinacles
the pinacles