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Selvin Chance | all galleries >> Flowers and flora of Hawaii >> Hawaii: White > Cereus (Hylocereus undatus)
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Cereus (Hylocereus undatus)

The night blooming Cereus. This flower lasts only one night.

Minolta DiMAGE S404
1/64s f/3.6 at 15.5mm iso64 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Selvin Chance12-Mar-2006 08:46
Thank you very much for your kind comments. I was not able to log on to your photobucket site to see your photos.
Mahalo and aloha.
Guest 12-Mar-2006 06:40
I just had one of these flower at my place, and I've lived here for 8 and a half years and never seen it bloom until now. I'm in Brisbane, Australia.


Such a beautiful flower makes up for an ugly plant!
josette 13-Jan-2005 19:59
I have this plant outside in the summer in Columbia, SC. Last year I had 24 blooms open in the same evening. What a sight and fragrance.
Peg Price20-Nov-2004 21:46
You've captured its beauty, Selvin.
Great shot.She looks like her Arizona cousin!
Guest 04-Oct-2004 18:42
Hello! - here is something similar, only yellow inside, and it is open only one day...
Guest 30-Aug-2004 02:57
This is very beautiful. I only know its Chinese name. Its stunning beauty lasts very short, maybe only a few night hours.
Guest 25-Aug-2004 05:50
Stunning! The deatail is amazing!