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Selvin Chance | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flowers and flora of Hawaii tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Flowers and flora of Hawaii

Tropical flowers abound as you would suspect. Here a few examples. Most of the flowers shown here are 'imported' from elsewhere in the world. It is an unfortunate fact of life that we love to create tropical paradises wherever we go, even in paradise. I read somewhere that Hawaii had some 1000 native plants before the arrival of humans and since the arrival of the Polynesians and Westerners the number has exponentially increased with the introduction of alien species, primarily colorful exotics. Recent additions to the gallery are at the end of the gallery. Thanks for dropping by. Most of the credit for the correct identification of these plants should be attributed to the excellent layman's guides to Hawaiian flora written by Angela Kay Kepler and also my son who is an avid admirer of orchids. Any errors in commission or omission are entirely mine.
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Orchids of Hawaii
[ Orchids of Hawaii ]
[ Hibiscus ]
Hawaii: White
[ Hawaii: White ]
Hawaii: Purple, Lavender, Violet
[ Hawaii: Purple, Lavender, Violet ]
Hawaii: Blue
[ Hawaii: Blue ]
Hawaii: Red and Pink
[ Hawaii: Red and Pink ]
Hawaii: Yellow, Gold or Orange
[ Hawaii: Yellow, Gold or Orange ]
Hawaii: Green
[ Hawaii: Green ]
Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum)
Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum)
A quiet corner
A quiet corner
A rainy day
A rainy day
Pink Plumeria
Pink Plumeria
Lantana multicolored
Lantana multicolored
Pitcher plant
Pitcher plant
Young bananas (Musa  x  paradisiaca)
Young bananas (Musa x paradisiaca)
Clerodendrum quadriloculare
Clerodendrum quadriloculare
Creature from space (epiphyllum cactus)
Creature from space (epiphyllum cactus)
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