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Selvin Chance | all galleries >> Galleries >> Unusual Flowers > Dying night-blooming cereus (Hylocereus undatus)
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Dying night-blooming cereus (Hylocereus undatus)

Minolta DiMAGE S404
1/64s f/8.0 at 12.3mm iso200 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 30-Aug-2004 02:59
I saw this scene of the withering flowers.
Brian McAllister11-Jan-2004 09:03
My wife (the family orchid grower) very much enjoyed your galleries. Very Nice! She would like to know if "all" of the flowers on the night-blooming cereus bloom at the "same time" and if only for a few hours, ....then all of the flowers die?
TAM 09-Jan-2004 10:30
The flower is eatable. Usually, we put some pork and sweet plums to make soup which is chiefly said for hot lungs especially when you do too much barbecue which makes you feel hot in your throat. The time for boiling should be 2-3 hours.