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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Holiday Doxies! > I'm So Confused!
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23-DEC-2007 Sandi Whitteker

I'm So Confused!

San Diego, California

This is the last picture in this gallery. Hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed hanging out with these darling doxies.

"First Place, 216th Show and Tell Contest, "Odd Couple", and
71st Show and Tell Contest, "Make Me Laugh", and
Honorable Mention, 200th Show and Tell Contest, "Laugh Out Loud"

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Petros Labrakos31-Oct-2008 17:13
it's a real great capture...
funny indeed
Guest 02-Aug-2008 13:29
Just love this. zm
cits_4_pets26-Jul-2008 21:03
Sweet expression and does look confused. Great catch. Be happy to care for this little one in my pet sitting business!
Bob Reynolds20-Jun-2008 03:49
I love this one. Great timing and perfect caption for the photo
Francisco Figueras18-May-2008 10:16
greeeeeat shot!! !
John Vass27-Mar-2008 07:29
That's a belly laugh!
Guest 19-Mar-2008 03:01
So sweet.. What a face!
Meggi Raeder07-Feb-2008 17:37
This is so funny - LOL!
Guest 28-Jan-2008 01:51
MDR!!!!! LOL!!!!!! Funny!!!!!! V
Terry Bowker23-Jan-2008 14:13
Congratulations Sandi! This is a great shot!!!
Treas21-Jan-2008 15:17
Sandi, this shot just cracks me up! I saw it in the Show & Tell make me laugh and it certainly did. You have my vote.
Sam X19-Jan-2008 14:47
great shotand comment:-))))
Bethany Wilson04-Jan-2008 13:04
wonderful gallery.
Gary Fairhead03-Jan-2008 02:44
A real smile maker :-) V
Marjan Schavemaker29-Dec-2007 11:00
Excellent capture, Sandra! V
January Grey28-Dec-2007 03:18
I can only imagine what's going through that little one's mind. Very humorous capture, Sandi. Love it! V~
Xavi Barneda27-Dec-2007 17:41
Very nice & lovely image! V!
Nestor Derkach27-Dec-2007 15:17
Very nice image , great scarf on the puppy.
Very festive image.
Marcia Colelli27-Dec-2007 15:15
very cute little dogs, nice capture of the expression
Jonathan Popp27-Dec-2007 13:39
LOL! Oh this gave me a awesome chuckle on a cold wet morning. Thank You!
Great picture. Way too funny..
Guest 27-Dec-2007 10:48
wow, love this! :) V
Robyco27-Dec-2007 09:18
LOL !!! (V)
great catch !!
Paco López27-Dec-2007 07:08
Lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big vote!
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