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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Holiday Doxies! > Hi!
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23-DEC-2007 Sandi Whitteker


San Diego, California

Three leg Doxie makes a new friend.

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Guest 28-Jan-2008 01:59
Great shot Sandi !!!Je crois bien que le chien de droite lui manque une patte....désoler .... mais il a fait une belle touche!!! Bravo
Guest 08-Jan-2008 15:56
Hi Sandi.......of course I had to come back to this gallery to check for the new additions you emailed me about. They are all wonderful of course. I think this is a great shot. As I mentioned, I have two of these wonderful being a long hair that no one wanted because she has a seizure disorder. I'm glad I took her home because what a sweet lovey baby she turned out to be. She's 10 now and doing really well. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful photos. I enjoy them so much. This one gets my vote. Kat
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