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Rod Ostoski - Brevard County Real Estate Photographer | all galleries >> Alligator Farm 2006 - St Augustine >> Alligator Farm 2004 > Having a moment
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Having a moment

Juvenile Tri-colored Heron

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel ,100-400L IS
1/160s f/8.0 at 200.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Larry Linton21-Jul-2007 18:50
Wonderful shot! V.
Debbie Stahre04-Nov-2005 02:18
He must have looked at his own reflection in the water...
Magnificent capture!
Guest 03-Jun-2004 18:39
Wow, what a fantastic shot!
Guest 03-Jun-2004 12:50
Mommy? GREAT! Love the expression. What the hell is it?
Heather Sweeney03-Jun-2004 12:11
Superb depiction of human sentiment expressed in the animal kingdom.
Mario Martino03-Jun-2004 09:51
Excellent shot!!
ciao mario
snootydog03-Jun-2004 03:34
This is fantastic. I would definitely turn this into a poster. Great capture
Herb 03-Jun-2004 03:25
Is this a GBH? He is clearly not happy.