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Rod Ostoski - Brevard County Real Estate Photographer | profile | all galleries >> Alligator Farm 2006 - St Augustine >> Alligator Farm 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Alligator Farm 2004

The St. Augustine Alligator Farm (Florida) has a bird Rookery that is quite incredible.
It is a nesting area primarily of Great Egrets, Wood Storks, Green Herons, Tri-Colored Herons,
Cattle Egrets, Blue Herons, Black-crowned night Herons and Roseate Spoonbills plus more.
There are just loads of Alligators there but I go primarily for the birds. May is the peak season
when there will be Chicks of all kinds in probably over a hundred nests. If you like this Gallery please vote for it.
Thanks for visiting! Rod

Photographers at the Rookery Egret in Plume Egret in Plume 2 Egret in Plume 3
Mating Wood Storks Mating Wood Storks 2 Mating Wood Storks 3 Green Heron head shot
Mom & Chicks Egret close up Green Heron Wood Stork in-flight
Florida Softshell  Close-up Hungry Grackle Chick Cattle Egrets in Plume Hungry Grackle Chick 2
Tricolored Heron Snowy Egret Head Profile Cattle Egret Gator Courtship Bellow
Gator Courtship Bellow II Snowy Egret Egret flying with branch Egret flying with branch ll
Egret flying with branch lll Egret flying with branch lV Having a moment Flamingo
Green Heron Macaw Young Tri-color Heron Full resolution