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Ralph and Kylie Whitten | all galleries >> Ralph's Photos >> Photo A Day > February 27 - Running Late - Plaza de Armas Bus Station, Seville
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February 27 - Running Late - Plaza de Armas Bus Station, Seville

Even though I wasn't running late (I still had four minutes to catch the bus on the right) these girls were. I took lots of photos just like this one but with different people WALKING through the frame. I realised that what I needed, to give the clock some sort of meaning, was some people RUNNING through the frame, running late. Luckily these three girls ran down just before I had to run myself!

In an ideal world I would have moved back a little and zoomed in a little to reduce the gap between the clock and the walkway a little but as it was I was on my toes and backed up against a rail with a 4m drop on the other side so this was the best I could do. Apart from the obvious connection between the clock and the girls running I like the symmetry of the image (when I was setting up I made sure I was exactly in the middle of the clock and the walkway).

Canon EOS 20D
1/125s f/6.7 at 11.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Barry S Moore30-Sep-2007 07:00
Top quality shot. I should take a similar image for my photo a minute gallery at . Voted
Andrys Basten30-Sep-2007 05:38
That clock says a lot! Love the obvious rushing in the figures under that clock!
LM Gildersleeve07-Mar-2007 00:33
Excellent capture. The perspective is very well done.
Martha Albuquerque05-Mar-2007 22:39
Great shot! Voted.
Guest 01-Mar-2007 00:20
Excellent composition!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greg Lavaty28-Feb-2007 23:32
Excellent image Vote