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Ralph and Kylie Whitten | all galleries >> Ralph's Photos >> "Best" Galleries >> Best Environmental Portraits > December 25 - Luis In Bed Colouring By Christmas Torchlight
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December 25 - Luis In Bed Colouring By Christmas Torchlight

Luis and Oscar were given an LED torch each for Christmas so of course Luis had to use it to do some colouring before sleep...

These two photos were other contenders for my Photo a Day project on this Christmas Day.

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Tim van Woensel28-Aug-2008 10:10
What a fantastic shot! I love the way you made use of the available light, using you prime. Wonderful 'feeling' to this one. Voted.
Francisco Figueras18-May-2008 07:57
excellent image!! !
Guest 05-Dec-2007 12:07
An excellent and most expressive image, putting all options of its interpretation into the eyes of the observer. The lighting is beautiful and adds to the mystery of the little boy's story. Well done! V.
Guest 08-Apr-2007 02:29
What a fantastic moment--you captured it perfectly. V.
Markus Grompe30-Mar-2007 03:55
Linda Hendry25-Feb-2007 21:49
Guest 16-Feb-2007 23:26
Imagine, not long ago legendary poets and writters penned their masterpieces by candle light.
olivier bruning15-Feb-2007 23:11
very sweet capture! ~V~
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography28-Jan-2007 21:43
amaizing,big VOTE
Guest 02-Jan-2007 17:15
I absolutley love this shot! Sooo adorable... A huge vote from me ~V~
Guest 26-Dec-2006 01:48
I love really captures the moment perfectly.