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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 10/16/2006 110904
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10/16/2006 110904

I spent the weekend up in Denver and while I was there took a short trip over to Vail (100 miles or so). On the trip from Denver to Vail on I70 you go through this really long tunnel! This is a picture while driving through it (I hold the camera out the window to the side of the car and take the picture). I like the lines and movements that are shown in it, and hopefully you will enjoy it also!

Canon PowerShot S3 IS
1/4s f/2.7 at 6.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jim's Atavistic Visions09-May-2014 00:58
I do.
Ken Zaret05-Dec-2006 00:38
wow, very powerful shot!
Dallas Hyatt31-Oct-2006 04:47
Too freekin' good.
Jen Bixler22-Oct-2006 04:50 it!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 21:42
You sure are amazing!! This is SO COOL!
Thierry Lucas19-Oct-2006 17:45
Excellent shot.
gary becker19-Oct-2006 16:57
Awesome ! ! !
Dale Unruh19-Oct-2006 16:31
Incredible shot Paul!!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 16:08
I love this, you have such a great eye and are awesome. Your talent is UNSURPASSED. Of course this is a mother speaking but it is true. mom
Guest 19-Oct-2006 16:08
I like it! The car's lines are perfectly lined up. One can get some really great photos while in a car. Could be dangersous while driving I suppose, but great shot!
Monte Stevens19-Oct-2006 15:56
This is really a good shot. I tried something like that while on an Amtrac train in San Francisco.
joanteno19-Oct-2006 14:41
Great shot, V
Bob B.19-Oct-2006 14:22
Awesome shot, Paul! Now, both hands back on the wheel! v
BAS Photography19-Oct-2006 10:20
Awesome!!! ~V~
nordic19-Oct-2006 08:57
Cool image, very good!
shatterbug19-Oct-2006 06:09
Woo hoo! Movement is great! V.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 05:06
You ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG.. I cannot believe your natural talent for photography.. OMG I am speachless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VOTED BIG TIME!!!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 04:32
Great shot, Voted
Guest 19-Oct-2006 04:16
Wicked shot
Guest 19-Oct-2006 03:41
What a great shot!
Jim McKinlock19-Oct-2006 03:33
That's totally cool!
aldeca19-Oct-2006 03:18
Excellent. Vote