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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > My Ultimate Bane (Poem)
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My Ultimate Bane (Poem)

I welcome insanity and prolific profanity
I indulge in delusion and constant confusion
With the forgone conclusion that all is an illusion

To be as the crazy, my thought process hazy
And give up all thought and all I've been taught
All the things that I've bought and the life that I've sought

Like a cloud in the night, yet without any fright
I indulge in my blight like a child with a kite
In the sky so white and with the string so tight

The light, my might, the sight of my plight
My life so trite that a knight in his might
Might take delight to pass by outright

I prefer my head as a thread tangled and bled
Not a shred of thought as though I were dead
All things that I dread not said or read or thought of in bed

I'll walk through the street my insanity complete
My destiny I'll cheat with my mental retreat
On the concrete I'll sleep without even a sheet

Bonkers, cracked, crazy and senseless
No friends to love or things to think of
Like the flight of a dove in the skies above

And why you ask in delusion I bask?
Why do I seek a life so bleak?
Like a weak freak I use this technique
To hide from the pain, my ultimate bane

(Just a little something I wrote today - Sunday, April 16, 2006)

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro
1/1000s f/8.0 at 97.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Rick 19-Apr-2006 22:05

I am moved to paraphrase artist Don Mclean's prose on Van Gogh, I could have told you Pablo, this world was never meant for someone as beautiful as you.
Robin Reid19-Apr-2006 00:04
Beautiful photography and poetry.
Guest 17-Apr-2006 22:23
Excellent image, brilliant text!
Guest 17-Apr-2006 17:29
Jvan Photography17-Apr-2006 16:59
very nice should share the things you write more often....
Yi Feng17-Apr-2006 16:54
Stunning shot!
Guest 17-Apr-2006 15:04
Wow, those are some profound words :) And the bird... just flying in to the sunset.... AMAZING! :) GMV!!! :)
Herb 17-Apr-2006 13:44
Nice image
Dave Wixx17-Apr-2006 12:34
Nice sillouette.
Alida Thorpe17-Apr-2006 12:02
Great capture on this bird. Beautiful sunset.
Nicki Thurgar17-Apr-2006 11:01
Great silhoutte, nice shot!
Guest 17-Apr-2006 10:29
Well done.
Graham Tomlin17-Apr-2006 09:15
lovely regards Helen
henrywong17-Apr-2006 08:45
beautiful shot !
Guest 17-Apr-2006 08:44
very nice !
Gordon W17-Apr-2006 08:24
Nice shot, but not sure how the text relates to it.
Bob White17-Apr-2006 08:21
Great silhouette excellent shot --- and the poetry is very very good GMV
akleja17-Apr-2006 07:50
Great silhouette against that golden sky!