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Cactus Wren 20071130

Nest building in a cholla cactus!

And cholla spines are particularly nasty little things, so this wouldn't be my choice
of where to build a home, but I guess they don't call them cactus wrens for nothing.

It was scurrying about this cactus without an apparent care in the world and hardly gave
me a second look, although I was approaching it quite slowly and moved toward it only
when it was looking the other way.

Before it eventually had enough of me (7 minutes) and flew off, it let me get close enough
I was surprised the 20D's shutter noise didn't scare it off, but I've yet to see a wild
bird bothered by it. Movement, on the other hand, will always get them taking flight.

Photographed in the Sonoran Desert west of Tucson, Arizona USA.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
1/800s f/6.3 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
sandra kroeger03-Jan-2012 01:31
This is a wonderful capture! It's one of those once in a life time opportunities.
Dan12-May-2010 14:30
Very nice, wonderful capture v
Ivan Kruys13-Jun-2009 08:35
A superb, well composed shot of this species V!
Harriet Holland30-Oct-2008 17:26
This is a very striking image. It appears as a painting or even colored pencils. Very nice!
Bob Pelkey20-Mar-2008 09:40
Your commentary with the photograph is appreciated.
Guest 19-Feb-2008 13:49
Excellant photograph, like the framing of the Wren and cactus
Milan Vogrin14-Dec-2007 16:31
Great catch!
Karen Moen03-Dec-2007 02:19
Beautifully captured natural behavior--not always easy to do if it spots a human. Voted for this lovely composition.
Guest 02-Dec-2007 02:40
simply beautiful... looks more as a painting...
Sandi Whitteker30-Nov-2007 22:03
Such great detail and color that it looks like an illustration. Beautiful pic.
Gary Hebert30-Nov-2007 21:00
gorgeous details Gordon... :)
Aud Elise Sjøsæther30-Nov-2007 20:18
It`s just beautiful! Big V
J. Scott Coile30-Nov-2007 19:29
Amazing sharp beautiful capture!
fdt30-Nov-2007 19:19
Very nice ! f
Milos Markovic30-Nov-2007 19:16
Beautifully captured,
Gerard Koehl30-Nov-2007 19:02
Wow... magnifique. V
QUERIDO30-Nov-2007 18:55
Beautiful shot,vote