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Manfred Bachmann | all galleries >> Galleries >> Varied Pictures > Magic Dragon
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10-SEP-2005 Manfred Bachmann

Magic Dragon


Caught in flight

Nikon D2h ,Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/800s f/4.0 at 130.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 14-Mar-2006 11:38
superb Manfred,excellent timing, so sharp and beautiful, wow, V
Guest 19-Jan-2006 13:44
Superb! This is so hard to do with such perfect focus.
Guest 13-Sep-2005 07:20
Ganz toll, Manfred, wie eine Postkarte!
Günter Hofstädter12-Sep-2005 16:29
meine waren leider alle fürn a....... Tolle Leistung !
Guest 12-Sep-2005 15:12
That's a great capture!.. you really are sooo quick on taking photos.. :o)
Argishti Khachik12-Sep-2005 12:38
OMG! GMV! You are a .... ;-)
Cheers my friend!
Leo Charette12-Sep-2005 10:57
Magnificent... frozen in the air, bravo. Incredible clarity on this. (v)
Mindy McNaugher12-Sep-2005 04:27
Stunning!!! The capture is amazing and so is the color! Vote!
Guest 11-Sep-2005 16:44
Bryan Murahashi11-Sep-2005 05:30
Great capture of this critter flying.
Guest 11-Sep-2005 05:20
magic...the tones in the bg sorta matches the dragon. :)
Steven Jusczyk11-Sep-2005 04:55
Excellent capture!
Pepe Zyman11-Sep-2005 03:09
Glendower10-Sep-2005 22:57
Bingo! Very nice work here.
Herb 10-Sep-2005 22:55
Haste gut gemacht Manfred
Olaf Herrig10-Sep-2005 22:45
Die im Flug zu erwischen, alle Achtung!!!
Gruß, Olaf.
Craig Persel10-Sep-2005 21:04
Nice in flight catch.
Gayle P. Clement10-Sep-2005 20:17
Beautiful capture!! GMV
Tommy Junger10-Sep-2005 20:13
Beautiful image.
BAS Photography10-Sep-2005 20:10