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Nikon D2h SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 23-Jul-2003
Megapixels: 4.1
Random Nikon D2h Samples from 50604 available Photos more
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Andrew Holman11-Apr-2008 16:17
It's the poor man's D3. Well it is for me! 4.1MP is good enough for A4 and the image detail is just great. Noise, keep it set at 400 iso or less and you will have no trouble and invest in a SB-800! Body quality is just fantastic, it is a true pro camera and built to last. Prices are at rock bottom for a good secondhand one and imho it beats a D40/50/60/70/80 despite the MP gap. The FPS is still sensational even at today's money and remember what ever camera you buy MP won't make up for cheap glass.
franklucas22-Aug-2006 19:07
perfect camera for pro-use!
Manfred Bachmann11-Jun-2005 23:53
Great camera! Very fast, build like a tank and the image quality is superb for my taste!!
Guest 28-Nov-2004 16:44
IExif 1.8 can show you the Total Number of Shutter Releases for your D2H.

The freeware is here:
Guest 04-Nov-2004 11:28
Very great sports camera, if you know to handle it.

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