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romy ocon | all galleries >> Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos) >> My Favorites >> Plain-throated, Olive-backed and Purple-throated Sunbirds > IMG_9156-1000x750.jpg
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Olive-backed Sunbird (Male)

Scientific name - Nectarinia jugularis

Habitat - Common lowland sunbird

[20D + Canon 500 f/4 L IS, hand held]

Canon EOS 20D
1/200s f/4.0 at 500.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
romy ocon29-Nov-2006 07:42
Hand holding the 500 f4 L IS is not an easy task, but sometimes I get lucky to get a good shot. The pose, background and detail assured this handsome bird a place in this gallery.
romy ocon06-Jul-2006 00:00
Ate Lyds,

I understand it's the same species, but most probably a different race...;-)

Lydia 05-Jul-2006 23:55
Ka Romy,
Look at the circle around the eyes... like a button.
Is this the same specie as the one in my garden?

Sumasaludo ulit.
Lyd >;<
Steve 18-May-2006 08:05
There you go. Here is one of these with a blue forehead. Still thinking of the A. flagrans. I still have to see a pic of one of these from Phils that has this feature.
Guest 18-Apr-2006 16:08
nice detail and dof!
csmallari17-Apr-2006 10:38
Hi Romy, nice capture as always. Was this handheld ? It's so clear !!!!
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