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romy ocon | all galleries >> Wild Birds of the Philippines (Photos) >> Non-endemics Photo-List >> Non-endemics - Part II > IMG_9046.jpg
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Black-naped Oriole

Scientific name - Oriolus chinensis

Habitat - Early second growth, open scrub and gardens.

[20D + 400 5.6L + Tamron 1.4x TC, on tripod, 560 mm, f/9]

Canon EOS 20D
1/1000s f/6.3 at 400.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
romy ocon17-Jul-2005 11:20
About the only thing I can ask for in this pic is - I wish the Oriole were endemic ...;-)
orly punzalan 12-Mar-2005 04:35
Galing! Galing ng profile ng oriole plus lalu pang pinaganda ng flowers.
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