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21-JAN-2010 Jola Dziubinska

Floating Lambs

Warsaw, Poland

A new work of art decorating the Marymont subway station is causing controversy among the residents of Warsaw.
Titled Boze Baranki ("Lambs of God"), the work by Julia Curylo depicts a collection of inflated toy lambs floating in the skyline of Warsaw.
According to the artist, the lambs are meant to represent love.
But a group of Warsaw citizens has called the work of art "sinful". They claim that the lambs depicted are in fact toys sold in sex shops.


other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carl and Racine Erland31-Jan-2010 23:24
Isn't it great how art can get people talking....I like it. - Racine
Sheila31-Jan-2010 07:34
Well worth seeing.
Stewart Mitchell30-Jan-2010 23:42
Now that is more than a little scary....and very surreal!
Bernard Davis30-Jan-2010 21:38
Weird shot, but in a good sort of way. What is the sex shop connection for the lambs?
Doug Cruden30-Jan-2010 21:34
LOL!!! What an imagination to think of these as, well..... :o))
Abescat Charles30-Jan-2010 20:40
Like a Salvador Dali! Nice shot Jola!
Phillip Normanton30-Jan-2010 19:35
LOL - now that's strange! :o)
J. Scott Coile30-Jan-2010 13:18
Art and controversy. A familiar couple. I like it!
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak30-Jan-2010 07:58
Great capture! - SUPERB!!! ;~}}}
borisalex30-Jan-2010 06:22
Seems to me that art needs free mind!
lou_rozensteins30-Jan-2010 05:51
Makes a surreal shot! I don't really know what is sold in sex shops, so I can't comment on this. However, I do think there is more to a work of art than floating plastic lambs in the sky! Anyway, an interesting shot.
Ann...30-Jan-2010 05:07
A rather surreal image - it looks good in B & W, though I wonder about the colours!?
They say of interpretation, like beauty "it's all in the eye of the beholder", but you have to wonder sometimes!
Guest 30-Jan-2010 03:26
Wow, great image Jola!!!! Made me smile too!
Available Light Images30-Jan-2010 03:13
LOL, what a wonderful image, and I certainly wouldn't have made the sex shop connection.. Funny though, I think some people should lighten up :-)
Cindi Smith30-Jan-2010 02:37
How cool is that? This made me smile!
Guest 30-Jan-2010 02:34
Evidently the good citizens of Warsaw are more familiar with sex shop items than I am. They look like ballons to me. Well done. v. Lee
Stephanie30-Jan-2010 00:33
LOL! Love the image Jola!
carol j. phipps30-Jan-2010 00:17
The scene is wistful and pretty! I can understand the controversy.
Mieke WA Minkjan29-Jan-2010 23:57
a very interesting art work, I can imagine that not all people in Warsaw will like it
I'm curious who will win this controversy
as always with art it is the interaction and interpretation with the viewer
great capture Jola
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