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John C. de Freitas | all galleries >> People in my Life >> Flora Photography > 2011 - A Sunflower
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John de Freitas

2011 - A Sunflower

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December 2015 Challenge - "Open to Anything You Like".

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LynnH06-Dec-2015 22:27
Fantastic, bold colors!! V
Mieke WA Minkjan06-Dec-2015 07:10
impressive!!! V
Cindi Smith05-Dec-2015 19:04
Amazing! Would look great on my wall! :) V
larose forest photos05-Dec-2015 04:11
Remarkable image with this glorious rainbow of colours!! Beautifully composed and shot. V
Janet Donnelly04-Dec-2015 23:12
laine04-Dec-2015 11:08
Very impressive detail
Jola Dziubinska14-Apr-2014 23:43
Brilliant! V.
Nick Paoni18-Nov-2013 15:52
Simply beautiful!
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