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John C. de Freitas | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> People in my Life tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

People in my Life

Welcome to my photo gallery and thank you for your comments and for voting.
All photos are shown in low resolution. High resolution versions of all photos are available upon request.

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Welcome to my photo gallery and thank you for your comments and for voting.

When taking candid shots I always respect the privacy of the people whose photograph I'm capturing.
If you find yourself in any of my galleries and feel uncomfortable being there, just send me a message or leave a private comment under the photograph and I will remove it immediately.
Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience it may have caused.

My Partner & I
<< My Partner & I >>
de Freitas Family
<< "de Freitas" Family >>
The Barichellos & Brescacins
<< The Barichellos & Brescacins >>
Close Friends & Acquaintances
<< Close Friends & Acquaintances >>
George Goulos
<< George Goulos >>
<< Portraiture >>
People (Candid Shots)
<< People (Candid Shots) >>