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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Night Mood >> Because the night > Night 63
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29-SEP-2007 Marisa

Night 63

This photo is part of a thematic gallery, dedicated to buildings at night.

on the moon, please.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Mark Robinson30-Aug-2015 09:08
As hard as it was to separate one individual image from this stunning gallery, this has one has to be my favourite. The composition, the colours, the processing are all gorgeous.
John Barreiro11-Dec-2014 04:28
I saw this on Show and Tell. A very charming image. V
J S Quesada06-Jun-2012 00:03
Dream corner and atmosphere. V
William Vogt03-Jan-2012 09:37
Picture Perfect Marisa. Really well done.
Regards, Bill
Jim Coffman25-Nov-2011 18:13
This is so inviting!!
Judi Hastings12-Jun-2010 03:38
I absolutely LOVE this photograph. Do you sell your work?
Graeme29-Jan-2010 23:33
This is like a delightful scene from a Kinkade painting Marisa. So cosy and warm with a very welcoming look. Delightful work my friend.BV+++++
Martin Lamoon12-Aug-2009 21:11
Another great photo,well done
Mike Dunbar04-Aug-2009 18:42
Of a beautiful and original gallery I think this is my favourite. There is such a simple, private element to it. I wonder what kind of everyday life is going on behind the lit window.
Guest 04-Jan-2009 08:04
I love it, wish I could live there!
Rob Legeland30-Dec-2008 23:28
Beautiful shot with comforting atmosphere. Makes me want to step into the picture... Voted
Ken Zaret28-Dec-2008 17:41
wonderful soft touch with the light. realistic, yet a dream.
Bartosz Kotulski03-Nov-2008 13:33
fairy-tale...stunning work
Tim van Woensel18-Jul-2008 09:01
Looks like a place from a fairytale! Wonderful!
Jeff B.13-Jul-2008 16:37
Gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS lighting and colors! V
Guest 13-Jul-2008 15:09
Beautiful, Marisa!
Don't know why but it brings "Victorian Christmas Scene" to mind!

Mike :o)
Ann Cleeves07-Jun-2008 18:10
This is my favourite I perfect..the light & the colours. This must also be one of the prettiest doorways ever!
Jean-Luc Elias05-Mar-2008 12:21
I never saw such beautifull and colorfull nightshots!!! V
Guest 02-Mar-2008 14:19
J'adore cette image ! Bravo !
Martha Albuquerque06-Feb-2008 03:15
magical mood, adorable shot, Marisa :)
Guest 03-Feb-2008 12:45
gorgeous image. v
H. P. Henriksen Starman01-Feb-2008 19:09
What an excellent night gallery - you are having an fantastic style. v.
Dallas Hyatt27-Jan-2008 16:18
Gorgeous setting - the light just glows.
monil27-Jan-2008 14:06
La lumière douce donne une ambiance romantique à ce portail fleuri.
Superbe composition.
Susanne v. Schroeder27-Jan-2008 12:43
Wow! I think this is one of the best yet!!
Guest 27-Jan-2008 11:47
Fabulous creation, Marisa! V
Guest 27-Jan-2008 11:15
This is super! V.
Apostolos Tikopoulos27-Jan-2008 09:37
Wonderful night composition. V.
s27-Jan-2008 08:19
So inviting! Beautiful warmth to it! v.
Jeff Real27-Jan-2008 05:05
Lighting is so very beautiful. Like a dream world.
dane27-Jan-2008 04:35
I would be quite content to come home to that each night...
Sue Weisensel27-Jan-2008 01:50
The ambiance of this image is captivating.
Darbowski27-Jan-2008 00:44
Excellente lumière et très bon point de vue ! V
Guest 27-Jan-2008 00:28
This is just super.V
Ken Chambers ARPS26-Jan-2008 22:46
An enchanting picture of well lit steps.
Denis Vincelette26-Jan-2008 20:55
Quelle richesse des textures et des tons .. Bravo ! Une lumière manipulée de main de maître ... sur un sujet absolument charmant .... Toute la création d,une atmosphère chaude invitante ...
Jean-Paul PLUME26-Jan-2008 20:13
La lumière très modelée, l'escalier tournant et cette petite fenêtre donnent une impression d'intimité préservée. C'est une photo qui a beaucoup de charme.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography26-Jan-2008 19:20
Great light and mood, Vote.
Enrico Martinuzzi26-Jan-2008 19:18
Great composition and wonderful light.
Bill Miller26-Jan-2008 19:17
This is beautiful Marisa, great colour and light...
Greg Harp26-Jan-2008 18:46
Stunning work Marisa. V
Paco López26-Jan-2008 18:14
Wonderful image!!!!! Big vote!
Daniel Wickwire26-Jan-2008 18:10
So special for its framing, light, mood. Wonderful image. Daniel.
PauloCGama26-Jan-2008 18:07
awesome, Marisa. fabulous use of available light - magical mood.
Gerard Koehl26-Jan-2008 18:06
Wow... vraiment magnifique. V
FrankB26-Jan-2008 17:53
this light painting is a perfect realization of how you see Marisa...a blessing...V
Jola Dziubinska26-Jan-2008 17:43
Beautiful and very romantic.