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Ralph and Kylie Whitten | all galleries >> Ralph's Photos >> "Best" Galleries >> Best Environmental Portraits > January 13 - S2 and Kylie, Taking It Easy
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January 13 - S2 and Kylie, Taking It Easy

Today we went up into the hills NW of Seville with some friends to their piece of land. We had a picnic, they have a hammock, I have a camera and ths image is the result. It was a great day of digging in the dirt, climbing trees a throwing rocks into water.

Canon EOS 20D
1/350s f/3.5 at 85.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Victoria03-Feb-2007 21:33
What a great smile, fabulous hug..sweet, my favourite as well ..votes
J. Scott Coile14-Jan-2007 12:23
What a day. What a B&W.
Enrico Martinuzzi14-Jan-2007 09:41
Perfect! Voted
Guest 14-Jan-2007 04:37
very well done.. !!!!
Guest 14-Jan-2007 02:30
wonderfull portrait!!
Michael Shpuntov14-Jan-2007 02:25
Great touching shot. Lots of emotions. Great work
LM Gildersleeve13-Jan-2007 23:50
I can see the love.
Dan Chusid13-Jan-2007 22:21
Lovingly captured.
Cindi Smith13-Jan-2007 22:21
That is a very wonderful moment caught! Great work!
Guest 13-Jan-2007 22:14
Nice, worm shot
Jola Dziubinska13-Jan-2007 21:55
Wonderful portrait, nice tones.
Guest 13-Jan-2007 21:43
perfect candid moment
lovely detail
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography13-Jan-2007 21:24
Cute :)
Good shot.