I've been lucky lately in that I've been getting reasonable images just by having the camera ready during everyday activity. Today's image was made on the way back home from taking the garbage out! Our place is the one with all the bushes either side of the gate. I can't tell you how grateful we are for the provision of a backyard with GRASS after living eight floors up in the middle of the concrete jungle that is Seville for the last 6 years.
In this image I like the way there's a real sense of direction. It helps using such a wide angle lens (16mm equivalent) to give a sense of depth. I'm a little disappointed that Max is headless but hey, a headless dog is better than none, right?
Lastly, sorry that this image is quite a big file ( nearly 200kb ) for some of you. The grass with all it's little blades adds alot to the file size.