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Christmas through a childs eye

This shot was an entry to a weekly assignment on The challenge was "Through a Childs Eye". I used my 10 year old daughter as the model. In order to get the shot to work, I needed to use only the light from the Christmas tree lights to light her face. This resulted in a 3 second exposure, which made it almost impossible to get a clear image due to even tiny motions of her head. After trying over 40 shots, I used a scarf to tie her head to the back of the high-back chair we were using. Thank God she did not call child services. In any event, the shot won the assignment, my first photography contest win.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
3s f/16.0 at 55.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Peter Stubley25-Aug-2010 17:40
Beautiful expressive image -- the reflection in the eye is spectacular. Nicely done indeed.
Markus Grompe01-Dec-2008 18:09
love this one. beautiful idea...
Dominic Cantin27-Nov-2008 06:46
WOW ! That's what I call ORIGINAL !!! Thanks for the view !

Dom :)
Guest 30-Oct-2008 03:50
What a wonderful job this is, capturing the Christmas tree in the eyes! Voted

Dan Chusid01-Mar-2008 23:14
Awesome job on this one!
Guest 13-Nov-2007 13:06
I know I'm a little late on commenting on this pic, but I absolutely love it! I called everyone in my office over to look at it. Brilliant shot, Brilliant sharpness for such a long exposure.
Kirsten20-Oct-2006 02:28
Reflections by Ruth13-Sep-2006 02:14
love the story, I can see why this won :)
Guest 03-Sep-2006 19:14
LOVE it Chas!