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Zak | all galleries >> Derelict Buildings > 22nd June
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22nd June

I was going to use the pic of the whole building in the centre below
but i heard today's thursday challenge is 'Look Up' :-)

it wasn't that long ago that this housewreck was 2 small cottages
but a fire in one of the cottages caused the building to become unsafe.

Nikon D50
1/250s f/9.0 at 18.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Christine McIntyre 24-May-2007 06:35
Thanks for the beautiful snaps, always wondered what the Isle of Bute looked like as my Sharp ancestors came to Australia from Bute, and it looks like a beaut place allright!!!
Sheila24-Jun-2006 12:16
Great addition to the challenge!
Wonderful shot.
pc cameron 23-Jun-2006 16:29
i have also got a bad neck since someone put their hands round it; well as being a pc u got to lie anyway.
wernere0123-Jun-2006 16:18
The bird should not sit there. May be he´s too heavy for the rest of the house. Great shot!
Victoria23-Jun-2006 15:04
Excellent composition, george and vivid colour.
Jola Dziubinska23-Jun-2006 09:58
Wonderful composition with the bird up there.
Donald Verger23-Jun-2006 09:20
cool patterns ! wood brick... sky
Yvonne23-Jun-2006 04:10
Doesn't look too livable now, at least the birds can enjoy it. Great shot!
Cindi Smith23-Jun-2006 02:33
Very well done! This is a really wonderful shot!
virginiacoastline23-Jun-2006 00:06
LOL! @ Northy . . I laughed out loud at the idea!
northstar3722-Jun-2006 23:05
that bird might just be heavy enough to bring the rest down!
Pathfinder22-Jun-2006 22:41
Looks like a bird looking for roasted worms ;-)
Jackdad22-Jun-2006 22:39
prime luxury villa territory! ;-)
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography22-Jun-2006 22:19
Nice composition.
Guest 22-Jun-2006 22:03
Great "Look Up" capture! The bird makes the image. :-)
laine8222-Jun-2006 21:51
What a great " look up " shot. Welcome aboard the challenge...I have linked you to mine.
Your doing some great work with this camera, Zak. Nice clarity & detail.
JW22-Jun-2006 21:23
This property offers exciting opportunities for improvement ........
Guest 22-Jun-2006 20:10
It wash a helluva party hic!!
Jim Ross22-Jun-2006 19:39
I've heard of a open-top car, never an open-top house... ;-)
Johnny JAG22-Jun-2006 19:24
Great looky uppy shot, love the Jackdaw.
Guest 22-Jun-2006 18:43
Love the bird, great upshot
Robin Reid22-Jun-2006 18:38
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