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7th June

Another hot day
so i went up to a place where i haven't been for over a year, Ascog House.
which is located in the 'village'(since when?) of Ascog
and is owned as well as the house next door by the Landmark Trust.

This old Cottage(well, what's left of it)
is not far from the house, I think it may of been the old gate cottage.
it's had the hole in it's roof for quite a few years
although last year when i was last there there wasn't so many weeds and bushes!!

Last Year:

Nikon D50
1/160s f/9.0 at 18.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 21-Oct-2006 00:23
I like this years pic best.
Sheila08-Jun-2006 14:40
Looks like there may be a few hollyhocks under the rose too, if you're going to take pics for Yvonne. The cottage looks pretty covered in the greenery. It hides its faults.
Jackdad08-Jun-2006 13:40
there's a house under there somewhere! :-o
laine8208-Jun-2006 10:14
It's sad to think that it will one day disappear.
Yvonne08-Jun-2006 08:23
How sad to see the state its in now. Could you take photos of what looks to be
old roses that are flowering & the pelagonium hiding beneath them?
Coleen Perilloux Landry08-Jun-2006 02:58
I came back to look at this. LOL at Werner's comment.
Guest 07-Jun-2006 23:01
call charle dimmock & co!
northstar3707-Jun-2006 22:41
the delapidation
Rosi Blaurock07-Jun-2006 21:29
Nice shot.
wernere0107-Jun-2006 21:23
Next year there will be a garden on the roof. Nice shot.
JW07-Jun-2006 20:24
I thought the Landmark Trust were posher than the National Trust, but I think my house today is a bit smarter than this!

Like the big house though
Dominic Kite07-Jun-2006 19:35
Good grief, all that in one year!
James Ross07-Jun-2006 19:23
Nature taking over and it looks better for it! :-)
Coleen Perilloux Landry07-Jun-2006 19:09
It could be the enchanted cottage with a little bit of care.
Johnny JAG07-Jun-2006 18:34
It's disappearing into the undergrowth.
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