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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > May 8
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May 8

Nikon D500 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/640s f/5.3 at 200.0mm iso1000 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
carol j. phipps22-May-2018 01:19
Love this.
Ton T.10-May-2018 15:38
Wow! Well seen and executed! V
Dennis Hoyne10-May-2018 02:39
An excellent portrait! V
Lamar Nix10-May-2018 01:43
Hypnotizing shot and noteworthy composition! V
Julie Oldfield10-May-2018 00:27
Fabulous detail in this closeup. V
LynnH10-May-2018 00:11
Fantastic! Frame filled presentation is so clever and well-done. V
bill friedlander09-May-2018 23:00
Great look at the stripes and intense gaze. V
Neil Marcus09-May-2018 13:29
Now this is an unusual Zebra view. Good crop. "V"
Jim Coffman09-May-2018 13:01
meekam tam09-May-2018 12:06
Beautiful patterns! V
Tom LeRoy09-May-2018 11:24
Love the tight frame and dynamic look. Very cool shot, Walter. V
Pierre09-May-2018 10:50
Une image bien détaillée de ce motif et un contact visuel intense! V
danad09-May-2018 10:09
Great shot, Walter ! I have never seen the eyes of a zebra from so close ! BV.
Yvonne09-May-2018 07:01
Fabulous close-up! v
Mary Bowles09-May-2018 05:36
Such a design.. and those eyelashes!
Nice cropping.
John Vass09-May-2018 05:26
Great shot! Nice lines! ;-) Sorry couldn't resist! It looks kinda sad!(?)
joseantonio09-May-2018 04:27
nice closeup details.V.
globalgadabout09-May-2018 04:25
mesmerizing...ace shot..
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