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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > May 9
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May 9


Nikon D500 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/1600s f/5.3 at 280.0mm iso1000 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
carol j. phipps22-May-2018 01:18
Gorgeous composition, color, form. V
Pierre14-May-2018 11:25
Une très belle fleur garnie de petites gouttes d'eau, du très beau travail! V
Graeme11-May-2018 10:02
So beautiful with the water droplets.BV
pkocinski10-May-2018 12:36
Yvonne10-May-2018 11:02
Fabulous close up of the leucospermum with raindrops.. v
Gervan10-May-2018 08:30
Marvelous colors and light on this exotic flower. V.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal10-May-2018 06:48
Beautiful colors, details and sharpness, great shot.
Bryan Murahashi10-May-2018 04:08
A beautiful flower from down under.
joseantonio10-May-2018 04:07
such a lovely beauty.V.
Dennis Hoyne10-May-2018 02:40
The color and detail are superb, i love all those droplets. V
Nirvan Hope10-May-2018 00:34
A perfect proteus, such beauty. And love the drips.
woody3410-May-2018 00:32
Very beautiful, the presentation is perfect....V
Julie Oldfield10-May-2018 00:21
Beautiful! V
larose forest photos10-May-2018 00:13
Exquisite and exotic bloom. Beautifully photographed. V
LynnH10-May-2018 00:03
Excellent clarity and sharp details. Very beautiful exotic flower! V
janescottcumming09-May-2018 23:41
Fascinating looking flower that shows off beautifully against that background. V
globalgadabout09-May-2018 23:29
this one is attractive, and sports such exuberant growth..
Jim Coffman09-May-2018 23:29
A very sharp and very colorful image!
Wintermeer09-May-2018 23:21
Gorgeous. love the juxtaposition of colours! ~V~
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