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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > May 7
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May 7

Display window, Tiffany & Co., Fashion Valley Mall

Apple iPhone 6S
1/120s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso6400 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)30-May-2018 18:46
Che bei colori,che belle fotografie! VVV
carol j. phipps22-May-2018 01:19
Dynamic with tough magic.
Julie Oldfield10-May-2018 00:27
Dallas Hyatt09-May-2018 04:21
Very cool!
Jean D08-May-2018 21:29
Exquisite display of this creative scene. ~V
Colin Storey08-May-2018 19:11
Creative display and wonderful image of it.
Ton T.08-May-2018 17:39
Awesome! V
Dan Greenberg08-May-2018 17:24
That is so incredibly eye catching and cool! A perfect effect for this scene. ~BV~
Jim Coffman08-May-2018 16:02
Nice work on this window display!
danad08-May-2018 15:44
Beautiful colors and design. V.
Hennie & Lies Lammers08-May-2018 14:51
A gorgeous image!
Ursula Miller08-May-2018 14:48
What a nice and creative display. Light and colors are beautiful. V
Wintermeer08-May-2018 14:39
Excellent, almost surreal view! ~V~
Frank Tran08-May-2018 14:39
Beautiful light and colors. V+
Neil Marcus08-May-2018 14:20
Well taken through the window and an excellent range of tones extracted. "V"
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