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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portraits > Leonard Knight
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Leonard Knight

Creator of Salvation Mountain

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Arthur Lebacq21-Jul-2016 17:46
Great expression in this wonderful portrait......masterly done......BV
MarcViskens20-Nov-2015 15:53
very beautiful portrait Walter
love it
such a great expression in this one
well done
Ton T.19-Nov-2015 12:18
Fascinating portrait Walter! V++
Jean D19-Nov-2015 01:44
A fine portrait of this industrious individual, Walter. ~V
Julie Oldfield16-Nov-2015 03:21
Superb. I like how he is looking away. V
Carol Rollins14-Nov-2015 14:13
This is a wonderful portrait.
Dave Petersen Photography14-Nov-2015 14:03
A face that tells a story. So much expression and character in this beautifully shot portrait. The thoughtful and possibly distant look in the eyes is captivating Walter. VVV+++
Gill Kopy14-Nov-2015 01:50
A great capture of man with a vision ! V
Frank Brault13-Nov-2015 22:43
A superb portrait Walter. I beautifully captures his character. V
bill friedlander13-Nov-2015 22:20
A fine portrait of this man. V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)13-Nov-2015 19:55
Fine portrait work...V
Stephanie13-Nov-2015 19:43
Superb portrait work Walter! V
Martin Lamoon13-Nov-2015 19:25
Colin Storey13-Nov-2015 19:22
Great portrait Walter. v
John Hamers13-Nov-2015 18:23
Excellent portrait showing a lot of character. !!V
carabias13-Nov-2015 18:12
Great portrait! V
joseantonio13-Nov-2015 17:37
Very portrait of this great gentleman.V
Nick Paoni13-Nov-2015 15:17
A wonderful portrait, very sharp and clear. I like that he is staring off camera. V
danad13-Nov-2015 14:58
A great portrait of this man, full of humanity. V.
Marcia Colelli13-Nov-2015 14:52
Wonderful portrait with nice details that shows the character of this person. V
Jim Coffman13-Nov-2015 14:38
A very fine portrait,Walter!
Neil Marcus13-Nov-2015 14:37
A superb portrait. It exudes character and dignity. "V"
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