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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Architecture >> Architecture in Black & White 2 > 52
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dirkpiet 29-Apr-2020 18:53
your fisheye reflects Eschers glass ball, great image V
Arthur Lebacq04-Mar-2016 16:40
A great one....very well done.....V
Carol How06-Dec-2015 19:42
So implosive with energy…what great use of the fisheye! V
Ken Zaret07-Jun-2015 17:19
M.C. Escher all the way1
John Barreiro07-Jun-2015 04:17
Stairwell photos have become common place, butb there is nothing common about this stunning image. It's one of your best. V
dirkpiet 16-Mar-2014 18:21
Marvellous, very Escher-esque, excellent composition and use of fisheye fantatic picture, big V
Neil Marcus19-Dec-2013 16:51
Imaginative work. B&W fits so well here. "V"
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE329-Nov-2013 20:50
A very good bit of work. V
Peter Sussex27-Nov-2013 21:19
Amazing use of fisheye, the outcome is so pleasing. V
Carol Rollins26-Nov-2013 12:50
Wow! This is so good! Excellent work, Walter. ~
Mike H.26-Nov-2013 03:59
Awesome was my instant reaction;
well done, Walter!
Julie Oldfield26-Nov-2013 03:26
Super awesome comp!
Richard Marcus26-Nov-2013 02:09
Very impressive Escheresque composition! Really well done, Walter! V.
woody3426-Nov-2013 02:06
Intriguing shot, the perspective and creative work is outstanding...V
Robin Reid26-Nov-2013 01:34
Excellent work.
janescottcumming26-Nov-2013 01:08
That's pretty neat looking. V
Frank Brault26-Nov-2013 00:52
Love the fisheye distortion. A terrific and beautifully graphical image with lovely tones. V
fotabug26-Nov-2013 00:13
You are doing some outstanding work with the fisheye. V
Simon Chandler25-Nov-2013 23:19
Excellent use of your fisheye lens. Excellent composition. So dramatic. v
PauloCGama25-Nov-2013 22:59
very creative!! love it.
Jean Chiasson25-Nov-2013 22:57
Great view and tones Walter vote
bill friedlander25-Nov-2013 22:00
Had to smile when I saw this! The distortion is delightful, and the perspective and tones are superb! V
rousselziak25-Nov-2013 21:26
Nice angle ! -V-
mart senior25-Nov-2013 21:12
a super image
gerrit25-Nov-2013 20:24
Confusing and weird compo. V
marie-jose wolff25-Nov-2013 19:48
stunning composition, very creative! V
Sandy Rich25-Nov-2013 19:20
So interesting and impressive. Great work.
Jim Coffman25-Nov-2013 19:04
Just so cool!! Well done,Walter..
John Lamb25-Nov-2013 18:26
Up the down stair case? Intriguing image Walter.
Dan Greenberg25-Nov-2013 18:06
This is an amazing composition, Walter. Mr. Escher is jealous. ~BV~
joseantonio25-Nov-2013 17:23
Wow,what an impressive image. Love your perpective and POV.V
Kim25-Nov-2013 16:47
Great creative WA work Walter! V
Karin Doeling25-Nov-2013 16:29
Genial! Ich musste schon ein paarmal hinsehen, bis ich merkte, dass es ein Treppenhaus in der Vertikalen und kein Flur in der Horizontalen ist. V
MarcViskens25-Nov-2013 16:09
very nice one
Martin Lamoon25-Nov-2013 15:55
Good B&W the distortion makes a great picture.
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