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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Architecture >> Architecture in Black & White 2 > 51
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13-JUN-2011 Walter O. Koenig


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JacoDub12-Feb-2014 02:33
Just beautiful! V.
William Barletta26-Feb-2012 18:11
A fantastic image. ~V~
Yves Rubin16-Jan-2012 17:58
Superb! Love the fisheye perspective as it is used here. BV
Guest 16-Jun-2011 01:07
Beautiful pose, nicely composed.
Frank Brault16-Jun-2011 00:55
Gorgeous tones and mind pleasing distortion. Ditto on Doug's comments. V
Doug Cruden15-Jun-2011 22:31
Great to see you airing the fish again Walter :o)) That's a fantastic contrast between the long straight corridor and the sensual curves of the distorted walls and arches...great work my friend!!
Cindi Smith15-Jun-2011 22:29
This is way cool.....way cool! V
Hans Koot15-Jun-2011 22:13
splendid idea to shoot the round arches with this fish eye, its great
Neil Marcus15-Jun-2011 21:44
It is an interesting effect
Colin Storey15-Jun-2011 21:35
Perfect view for the fisheye lens. Makes a great perspective. v
Jim Coffman15-Jun-2011 21:25
That is a cool lens,Walter! Very nice work.. V
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