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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favorites > skilled hands
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skilled hands

Canon Powershot G12
1/60s f/3.2 at 10.8mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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carol j. phipps02-Apr-2020 23:38
Splendid light and focus. V
Congratulations on 1st place in Show & Tell for this intimate capture.
cits_4_pets01-Apr-2020 22:47
love the light coming through though the project being knitted & the circular needle
Barry McCartney23-Dec-2013 01:42
Love the contrasting colors! V
cits_4_pets22-Aug-2012 17:15
Fabulous light coming though the knitted yarn. great action ad good exposure. Excellent!!! (I never was a knitter and my dad was prez of the Boye Needle Company! sew and do other crafts)
Guest 23-Oct-2011 01:51
Very cool lighting here. Steff
Ken Zaret05-Oct-2011 03:43
beautifully lit!
Arnie Peterschmidt03-Oct-2011 06:01
Good catch Markus, well seen.
Peter Stubley02-Oct-2011 22:11
Expressive image, beautiful glowing sense of light.
Guest 02-Oct-2011 22:04
Great! V.